Something different

I've been working on some Hero Unit side stories to go into a small collection while Hero Unit 3 is at the editor (yes I have one now, I'm excited).  This work will coincide with my work on Hero Unit 4.  For now, here is a small excerpt from the short story titled The Kidnapping.

“Detective Cavanaugh?”  The Fifth extended her hand, “Detective Ace, from New Davenport’s Third Street Precinct.”
John took the offered hand and was surprised at what he didn’t feel.  He knew that the Fifth was classified as a Fortress Class, but while her handshake was firm, it didn’t have the restrained crushing, strength he was accustomed to from other members of her classification.
“Detective Ace, this is my partner, James Grady.”  They exchanged introductions for the rest of her unit.  When she introduced her sister, he remembered the news story from a few months ago about the terrorist attacks in New Davenport.  That’s when the world had learned that there were two Fifths.
“What details on the case do you have?” the Fifth, rather Detective Ace, asked.
“Not much, to be honest.  We just received the missing persons report.  The family first tried an independent extraction firm, but they were stopped.  That’s when they turned the case over to us, and I’m assuming that’s when they called you.”  John had decided to reserve judgement on these heroes for the moment.
“That doesn’t give us much to go on.  Maniac, I want you, Detective Grady and Jolt to stay here and see if you can dig something up.  Detective Cavanaugh and I will go and speak with the family.  Emily, Angela, Duck and Cover you’ll come with us, just in case.”  She gave her orders quickly, but John could tell there was a slight hesitation, like she wasn’t used to being in charge.  It also came as a surprise that she was including him and his partner in the investigation.
They split up, Grady headed back upstairs with the two Exceptionals, while John headed to his car with the rest in tow. 
Out front there was a passenger van parked in visitor parking.  Detective Ace handed the keys to the one called Duck and Cover.  “Follow us, I want to speak with Detective Cavanaugh.”
Most people would have missed the slight hint of fear on the faces of heroes Emily and Angela, but not John.  He wondered what he was missing.  Admittedly his knowledge of Exceptionals was limited to what he’d learned in school, and on the job, which wasn’t much.  He figured he’d better ask, if he was going to be included in the case.
Once they were on their way, his device plugged in and the LiveMap guiding them he asked, “So what’s up with Emily and your sister.  They didn’t seem too pleased to be going in the van.”
The question seemed to catch his passenger by surprise, but she recovered quickly.  “Are you familiar with what it means to be a Used?”
He nodded.  “Exceptionals who can’t control their powers.”
“It’s a bit more complex than that, but yes.  Recently I discovered that one of my powers suppresses the Used Quirk, allowing Exceptionals to control their powers.  Emily and Angela are both Used.  They don’t like being too far away from me as a result.”
That was concerning.  “It’s not going to be a problem is it?”
“Not really.  Duck and Cover is a trained driver.  I don’t think you could lose her if you had to.”
John wasn’t sure if he believed her, but that wasn’t the point.  “So, you said you wanted to talk to me.”
“Yeah, I wanted to get your impressions, your opinions on the case.”
That took him by surprise.  “Really?”
“Detective Cavanaugh, my unit might be in charge of the case, but this is your city.  These are your people.  I need your help.  We are here because Derrick Chase is a good friend of mine from our time in the military.  So, what are your impressions?”
He’d never had anyone be that honest with him, at least not from the EED.  “Right now, it’s hard to say.  Like I said we just got the file this morning.  I might have a better idea once we’ve spoken with the family, but with no ransom note, no contact from the kidnappers I can’t really say for certain what’s going on.”
Just then her device chimed.  She checked the message.  Out of the corner of his eye, John saw the frown on her face.  “What’s up?”
“I think that extraction team was a setup.  My partner, Maniac, is a technomancer.  With they help of your partner she just found some more information on them.  She thinks they were in on it.  I’ll have to wait and talk to Derrick, get his opinion on them, before I’ll jump to any conclusions though.”
“Other than money, are there any reasons why someone would want to target the Chase family?” John asked.  With no ransom, it had to be something else.
“Very likely.  You know how much political influence they have.  Former Senator Chase pissed a lot of people off while he was in Congress.  Then there’s Derrick’s time in the army.  I can’t tell you everything he did, but suffice it to say there are plenty of people out there who would want revenge, but I don’t see them acting in the US.  Of course, I’ve been wrong before,” Detective Ace continued.
“How long have you been a detective?”  The way she carried herself, the way she looked at a situation, spoke of experience, but he also knew she wasn’t that old.
“I was just recently promoted.  I imagine you read about what happened in New Davenport with the HSO kidnapping Exceptionals.  After that was all said and done, I got the promotion,” she explained.  There was none of the usual hostility that such a question would have elicited from a cop.  It was like Detective Ace expected people to doubt her.  What kind of life must she have lived?
They drove in silence for a while before John came up with another question, but he was more reluctant to ask it.  “Just how powerful are you?”


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