
This post is written in answer to a question I have of other authors:  do you listen to music while you work, and if so, what?
My current working play list contains tracks from AC/DC, Taylor Davis, Metallica, and more. 
When I was working on Hero Unit there was only one type of music that seemed to fit:  Dubstep.  I used Pandora exclusively for my playlist, because I didn't/don't have enough money to buy all the songs necessary for a book long soundtrack.  If you want to know what it was like give this a try:  go to Pandora, block explicit lyrics and make a Dubstep station.  You'll probably get a good feel for how I wanted Hero Unit to, well, feel.
Volume 2 was a little different.  At first I was able to compile a playlist of mostly hard rock and heavy metal.  Bands like Soilwork, Amon Amarth, Metallica, Linkin Park (their earlier albums) were all part of the early stages of Power.  Once I started editing, I switched back to my Dubstep playlist.
I have a fantasy project I've been working on for about five years now, and it stalled out because I couldn't find the right music for it.  I did eventually find a track that represents the core idea that will come out as I write the story.  (If you're wondering the track is Skyline by Amaranthe).
This is how my mind works.  If I could I'd have a soundtrack for my life.  I love the effect music can have when I'm writing. 
I know there are people who can't have music playing while they are reading, my wife is like that.  She needs relative quiet to really dive into a book.  Me, I like finding an album or playlist that fits, at least to me, the book I'm reading/writing.  When I can hit on the appropriate track that gets my brain working, it makes the creative process flow so much better. 
If it were possible I'd make CDs to go along with all of my books, but that would be prohibitively expensive.  Though I might one day put what tracks I listened to the most while working on a specific project as an appendix.  We'll see.


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