
Okay so I took a couple of weeks off.  It’s been a little rough in the Bybee household.  Anyway this week I’m taking a look at something that I’ve been interested in for years, but I’ve never had the time/motivation/guts to do it; game creation.
Those who know me know that I’m a fan of table top role-playing games (RPG).  I’ve played in a few different systems from classics like Dungeons and Dragons to newer systems.  I’ve enjoyed most of them.  Some more than others.  In the few years I’ve been gaming I’ve come to learn that no system is perfect.  They are all good, but some have their flaws.
The one that everyone likes to pick on is Dungeons and Dragons 3.5 edition.  This was the system that I started with.  I enjoy 3.5, I know it has its flaws, but it’s a good solid system.  In my opinion (and yes this is an opinion) its major flaw is it is too easy to exploit.  With the right mindset and books you can create stupidly powerful characters that throw off the game balance and ruin the fun for everyone, including the game master (GM).  I would say especially the GM who is the one everyone else complains to/about.
There are other systems that have that exact same flaw.  Adherents to each system will claim their particular system is the best, that it has no flaws, that it’s an “unbreakable” system.  A friend of mine is very good a proving that idea wrong.  He understands systems and with a little work can exploit them.  I’m less inclined to complain because he has the worst dice rolling luck I’ve ever seen.  Without an overpowered character he would be making a character every other session.
To sum it all up, games have flaws.  That’s what comes from trying to represent reality, or a version of reality at least, in a game.  Game designers do their best and that’s my goal; to create a game system that is fun, balanced, and able to convey a bit of reality.
The idea are based off the world that I’ve created in my book Bard’s Story which is still a work in progress.  I’m hoping to release the book and the game in tandem.  It will be quite the adventure…


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