
Showing posts from September, 2017

Writer's Block, but not Really

Recently I've been struggling.  The ideas for my third book are there, but the words aren't.  I've written two beginnings revolving around the same plot point.  Neither of them were to my liking.  And yes I'm aware that for some people two versions really isn't that many.  It is for me.  I never compare my writing style and process to others.  It is a fruitless and fraught venture that will make anyone woefully inadequate, so I don't. Back to my original point.  I will often say that I don't get writer's block.  To me writer's block is a lack of ideas.  That has never been the problem.  There have been times when I've simply had too many ideas and they all got in the way.  I have to admit though I get writer's apathy. Writer's apathy is just simply not caring about what I'm writing, just putting words down for the sake of working.  And I'm pretty sure that's what's happening right now.  I know I need to up my numb...