The Importance of Feedback (And being able to admit you might be wrong)
One of the biggest aspects of writing that I've struggled with is being able to accept feedback. I'm mostly talking about constructive criticism, but sometimes even positive feedback has been difficult for me. I received a little too much praise when I was a kid/teenager for my writing, and too little criticism, as a result these two very important parts of the process have become stumbling blocks for me. The issue is, I tend to want to reject both forms of feedback. I reject positive feedback because I don't think I deserve it. And oddly enough the same can be said for constructive criticisms. It doesn't make a lot of sense, but there it is. Luckily I've found ways to overcome my own personal failings. First, I formed a writer's group. There are only three of us, but we all have varied enough experiences, and writing styles that it works. My fellow group members aren't published, yet, but they are both excellent writers and when...