Personal Pets in Writing
This is a post I've been formulating for some time. It's taken a great deal of time to finally put it together. And there's a reason why. This is a subject that I've struggled with in my writing, so that's why I see it so much with other writers. What am I talking about? Personal pets. No I don't mean a writer's actual pet. What I mean are those persons, places, things, ideas that writers have that the read can just tell is that particular writer's personal favorite aspect of the world. There are good examples of this, and bad examples. For a while one of my books had a group that fell under the bad example. I've written about this before, but the nation of Garrison that I created. At first the place came across as a sort of utopia. And it was terrible. When I read the original draft I have to shake my head. The people the government, life in general, it was nauseating. And not even well done at that. It...